Hamad Almebayedh
University of Salford, UK
Title: Improving environmental Remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated sites by Innovation of 3D Mapping Technology for Soil Characterization
Biography: Hamad Almebayedh
In any drilling operation for oil and gas the risk of contamination above and under the groung is very high. It is noiced that cracking in oil well casing under the groung could contaminate underground water. Furthermore, during oil drilling operation the contaminated soil that well be left behind required remediation technologies for cleaning up the miss. The main objective of this research project is is to charicterize oil contaminated soil and reveals the unkown phisical, chimical, and geotecnical properties inclouding volumes, presence and the impact of oil contamination by the development of annovative novel 3D soil mapping technology for hydrocarbon contaminated sites. Morover, This research document will suport the decition makers on the most suitable environmental strategy and aproch to takel the environmental damages. The objectives of this research achieved by investigating wet and dry oil lakes, sludge pits, and wellheads pits caused by the Gulf War 1991.The 3-D modelling technologies are highly efficient and effective for assessing the spatial distribution of various petroleum hydrocarbon fractions in soils with great contamination depth that makes field sampling highly costly and labour-intensive. The 3-D modeling technologies will allow significant reduction in the number of sampling points while the quality of soil characterization can be assured. in addition, this technology cover larger areas of soil characterization and investigation in time efficient with quality and cost effective which will assured QA/QC with optimum achievement towards HSE requirement . forthermore, this models could be used to predict the possible impacts of the petroleum hydrocarbons on the groundwater, and guide the sampling outcomes before and subsequent to soil remediation